
fall in june

Fra The Quietus (her>>):

Yesterday lunchtime, a Quietus representative had the pleasure of sitting down and having a few pints with Mark E Smith in a Hampstead boozer for an interview on behalf of a forthcoming Tate project on the interaction between music and art.

While in the company of Smith, his wheelchair and pot of snuff (he's thinking of opening a shop, apparently) we asked whether the rumours that The Fall's next album would be coming out on Domino Records were true, to which he replied in the affirmative.

The as yet untitled album will be coming out in June, says Smith, who sounds as upbeat as ever about the new record. Apparently an album and a half of material is already recorded, and Smith will be in the studio with the band this coming Monday. No rest for the wicked. Asked if there was to be another album from Von Sudenfed, his collaboration with Mouse On Mars, though, Smith replied in the negative.